
Ambulance/Intermediate 160 is a 2009 Ford E-450/Horton 553 Type III ambulance. Ambulance 160 is licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Health to provide Basic Life Support (BLS) and Intermediate Advanced Life Support (IALS) services.

Ambulance/Intermediate 161 is a 2022 Ford F-550/Horton 623 Type I ambulance. Ambulance 161 is currently licensed by the PA Department of Health to provide Basic Life Support (BLS) and Intermediate Advanced Life Support (IALS) services.

Duty 160 is a 2004 Ford Expedition SUV that was purchased from the Lititz Borough Police Department in Lancaster County for $1, after it was retired from the police department. Now outfitted as an EMS vehicle, it can provide support as a Quick Response Service (QRS), Basic Life Support (BLS) backup, and Intermediate Advanced Life Support (IALS) assists. Duty 160 is also used to transport personnel and rehab supplies to scenes with extended on-scene times.